SPIN Grantees ⭐️
Has been the guiding light for girls and young adult women when they face challenging times: transitioning into adolescence, surviving traumatic experiences, and much more. Programs and services are open to young ladies ages 10-25, and each STAR has access to a variety of Mentoring, Empowering, and Transformational activities to remind them that they are STARZ, and it’s time to S.H.I.N.E!
BBI is leading an economic revolution by creating a vibrant community of Black entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders for individual and collective agency and access to capital, resources, and training.
CTN Media offers a global platform for the people that centers the black economic revolution and other important issues of our time. We aim to challenge the mainstream narrative and call for a shift in both the mindset and values of our community.
Elevating Connections is dedicated to building sustained positive relationships for current & former youth in foster care-including those experiencing sibling separation-to find their voice & build meaningful community connections.
In partnership with schools, community organizations and at our center in West Colfax, we focus on the development of the whole girl. She learns to value herself, take risks, and discover and develop her inherent strengths. The combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment, and research-based programming equips girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers, and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. Informed by girls and their families, we also advocate for legislation and policies to increase opportunities and rights for all girls.
Our mission is to empower all young people including queer, trans, and non-binary students. We achieve this through a holistic approach that includes leadership development, mentorship and community engagement to develop emotionally intelligent and civically minded leaders who contribute to their families and greater communities.
2021 proved to be historic and unprecedented for just about everyone. However, much of what transpired in America last year disproportionately and negatively impacted the Black community. In Denver, we experienced first-hand the physical and financial perils the pandemic had on our community. Simultaneously, we witnessed weeks of unrest, outrage, and protests in our city and around the world in light of The Black Lives Matter Movement. Tragedy and trauma seemed to compound and multiply mercilessly.
These events inspired SPIN and Collaborative Healing Initiatives within Communities (CHIC) to launch a COVID-19 Community Relief Fund. These two mission-driven organizations, both of whom primarily focus on the advancement and empowerment of African-American women, were able to rally the support of their networks and to raise significant dollars for individuals and businesses disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. In total, CHIC and SPIN collaboratively raised over $70,000. Partners included the Margulf Foundation, The Women’s Foundation of Colorado, US Bank, Denver African-American Philanthropists, the Launch Network, and Park Hill Collective Impact.
Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado
The Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado 501(c)(3) non-profit is one of Colorado's most recognized and accomplished leadership organizations within the Denver metro area. ULF Colorado has a rich history of not only providing quality leadership training but also facilitating the advancement of our future business, political and community leaders.
Collaborative Healing Initiative within Communities (CHIC)
Collaborative Healing Initiative within Communities (CHIC) helps families break intergenerational cycles of poverty and violence. We strengthen families and communities by strengthening women and girls. We fill a critical gap in the landscape of institutions and service providers by offering culturally-relevant, whole-family, female-focused supports that directly intervene in the systems that most frequently fail communities: education, workforce, and criminal justice.
Blackhawks Youth Organization is dedicated to teaching advanced skills and promoting teamwork through its athletic program. Founded in 2000 we have served over 1000+ families in the Denver metro area in all areas of family services and resource.
Curls on the Block is an enrichment program for girls of all curls and colors to embrace, explore and empower their natural selves while working to increase engagement, investment, and commitment to careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Curls on the Block uses a curriculum that has ten consecutive sessions where participants explore activities, careers and mentorship in STEAM. The enduring questions girls are challenged with every session is how they can address the needs of the curly hair community with STEAM.
The Community Investment Network
The Community Investment Network is a national network of giving circles that inspires, connects, and strengthens African Americans and communities of color to leverage their collective resources and create the change THEY wish to see.
Trailhead Institute is the new gathering place where ambitions and ideas, aspirations and “what ifs” of public health can take root and grow and even flourish.
Curls on the Block is an enrichment program for girls of all curls and colors to embrace, explore and empower their natural selves while working to increase engagement, investment, and commitment to careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Curls on the Block uses a curriculum that has ten consecutive sessions where participants explore activities, careers and mentorship in STEAM. The enduring questions girls are challenged with every session is how they can address the needs of the curly hair community with STEAM.
Project VOYCE develops transformational leaders in underrepresented communities by training, employing, and organizing youth to address root causes of inequity. When young people in historically oppressed communities are looking for truth, power and collective liberation---they come to Project VOYCE. They create spaces with youth that promote critical thought learning and explorations of power, and social justice. They provide the language, knowledge and tools to ensure that the emerging majority are not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled and reimagine new possibilities for the future. They have confidence our youth’s ability to think, to want, and to know and we help them build confidence and trust in themselves.
Sistahpreneurs is the Business Haven for the Black Female Entrepreneur. Their mission is to provide the Black female entrepreneur with a supportive sisterhood and roadmap to profitability. According to Forbes, black females are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S. The number of black women-owned businesses has grown by a whopping 322 percent since 1997. Sistahpreneurs is here to support your startup and growth.
STAR Girlz delivers essential lifesaving tools that will assist their STARZ in making healthier life choices during their transitional stage of development. They are dedicated to the positive development of female youth around the world and they are here to aid in the production of making their futures shine bright like a STAR. Their vision is to equip young ladies for society, future education endeavors and personal change, assisting them in identifying personal struggles and healthy ways to navigate through any objective and circumstance they face in life.